Corporate Public Relations Best Practices

Keeping a positive company image can be a bumpy ride for some corporations, while others weather the competition and disruption without a hitch. Some strategies work for certain businesses that won’t work for others. Simply put, there’s no cookie-cutter way of keeping your company in the best public light. Nevertheless, it’s important to keep positive public relations even if you want to dominate your digital marketing space.

Why should businesses put the effort into crafting a positive image? 

Reputation has a vital role in the growth of a business. A solid influence can help expand recognition and brand awareness thus brand building is an essential activity for companies. 

A recognizable and strong name comes with credibility. Your customers tend to have more trust in your business and could attract more people over time. It proves to be very helpful when introducing new products and services and supports your stand in a saturated market. As a business builds its brand, a strong business-customer relationship tends to develop. While promoting the brand, businesses engage with new and potential customers thus a solid bond is formed leading to customer loyalty and referrals. 

What is Public Relation’s role in maintaining a good image? 

While it has similarities to branding in the manner that it spreads information, PR concentrates on communication and reputation. 

At the heart of this practice, Public Relations (PR)  leverage media channels to promote a business and improve positive public perception. It is a continuous pursuit of gaining exposure to audiences using topics of public interest and news items in various channels such as social media, traditional media, and company-initiated communications. Through PR, businesses spread and communicate the brand’s message – especially in damaging situations. 

The key to success in PR is effective messaging. Here are best practices on how corporations can craft their image so that their relationship with the public stays positive. 

1. Know Your Audiences 

Not all audiences are the same. For your message to get noticed and have an impact, you will need to first understand and section your audience. You can reach some through social media and others through networking events both online and in-person. Whatever content you generate, you should consider your audiences. Use tools to gain insights into your audience’s psychographic and demographic profiles to understand them better. Facebook insights and ad manager gives you aggregate information about people so you can create tailor-fit content that resonates with your targeted audience. 

To start, select the appropriate audience before planning for your message to assure it will appeal to their interests. You will never get through fashion and make-up enthusiasts if you are to use an extremely formal tone. You’ll likely throw out upscale watch collectors with vulgar words. To relate and connect with your audience, you have to learn how to speak their language. Careful research and planning allow you to be strategic when communicating with your audience. 

2. Boost Your Online Presence

In today’s media-driven society, the internet is a valuable tool for companies to reach customers, investors, and other businesses. This technology provides instantaneous responses from different social media platforms be it Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, and even Tiktok. You can utilize these to connect and engage with your audience. It can also be used to make announcements, host virtual events, and publish content. 

Establishing a strong online presence can open more opportunities to build a positive company image. It makes your brand easier for ideal customers to discover. Know your organic keywords and customize your SEO to increase the chances of reaching more people when they are looking through search engines. In this world where people seek out information online make sure to have a strong foothold in the digital arena and that your content will not disappoint. 

3. Have consistent valuable content 

Public relations is about consistently sharing the right information in the form of media, with the right audience. So to speak, you have to create not only compelling content but also valuable ones. Who doesn’t love relevant and informative content for free anyway? 

Strive to build well-designed pieces that are genuinely put together for your audience to consume. When creating content, think of elements of curiosity, urgency, and emotion. Humor also has always been a good way to attract people. Look for something that your audience will enjoy but at the same time  resonates with the company’s values. You will also need to plan ahead. Create a PR plan along with holidays, season, business calendar, and other relevant events to ensure coverage. Finally, have content that your audience can interact with and contribute to!

4. Make public events and conferences

Public events are opportunities to gain exposure for your company. It gives you a chance to meet prospective clients, business partners, or even investors. At your own pace and intention, you can promote the business and share the company’s story with attendees. Keep an eye on news reporters and journalists and use the opportunity to have some time with them.

When you have some big announcements, hold a press conference. Press conferences are organized to distribute information about product launches, respond to controversies, or any other information concerning the company that the public should know about. It opens your business to the media and allows the public to ask questions in a way that social media cannot. These engagements are helpful for gaining favorable media exposures, build better recognition, and establish authority. However, since there is no cookie-cutter way to publicize your company and events, make sure to do your research — media consumption may have changed. You’ll want to be where your target audience is.

5. Hire a PR partner

One way to boost your audience is to leverage someone else’s popularity. Having a PR agency partner is an assurance that significant media exposure is achieved. It will take out the burden of having tons of outreach activities just to land with an industry leader who can help promote your brand.  A few public relations programs may include media partnerships, content marketing, exclusive media coverage, influencer marketing, and endorsements. Imagine collaborating with like-minded people and businesses to promote your brand. This is a great tactic especially if your company heavily relies on having strong public connections.

6. Go the extra mile 

Nothing builds a good image than building genuine ties with the community. Participate in local events, support environmental drives, donate funds to special causes. By doing this, you not only help the community but also create a sense of togetherness in society. Besides providing support, you can also use this opportunity to distribute your brand’s message and establish the business’ credentials. The greater the involvement the more recognition and partnership you can gain. 

Image is everything, be proactive in including efforts that have a positive impact on your community. This will build a favorable public perception of your company and brand. Therefore invest in environmental work, ethical business practices, and philanthropy.

For more information on how your corporation can build better PR practices, contact NGP-IMC today.

corporate public relations